



「天板、側面、棚板、付属品......まるで刃物のようなパネルの厚みは、イタリアのノウハウだけが可能にした。素材と色で遊び、木、大理石、スチール、ラミネートをミックスした。シンプルだが機能的で、美しい素材をふんだんに使い、色彩でインテリアを盛り上げる。 すべては伝統的な職人技、細部へのこだわり、技術革新のおかげだ」_マーク・サドラー “Sei come sei millimetri, ovvero lo spessore di piani, fianchi, mensole, accessori... i pannelli sembrano lame e solo il savoir faire italiano lo ha reso possibile. Ho giocato con materiali e colori, mescolando legno, marmo, acciaio e laminato per un unico obiettivo: realizzare un progetto semplice ma funzionale, ricco di bellissimi materiali e ravvivato nei suoi interni dal colore.Tutto grazie a tradizione artigianale, cura del dettaglio e innovazione tecnologica.”_Marc Sadler




一方、伊藤しのぶは東京の多摩美術大学を卒業、CBSソニー(ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント)で勤める傍ら、ミラノのDomus Academy修士号を取得。

1997年 独自のデザイン スタジオを設立。以来、建築、インテリア、商業デザイン等ジャンルレスなコンサルティングを世界各国で行っている。
1999年 The Young & Design Award受賞
2001年 “The Good Design Award 2001”受賞
2001年 “富山プロダクトデザイン賞”受賞
2001年 “ADI Design Index 2001”入選
2005年 “ADI Design Index 2005”入選
2011年 “Compasso d'Oro 2011”受賞 

彼らの作品は、ミラノのトリエンナーレ デザイン ミュージアムとミュンヘンのディノイン サムルン国際デザイン ミュージアムに常設展示されている。
またInternational Design Year Bookや、New Furniture Design等数多くの書籍が彼らの作品を取り上げ、Elle Deco20周年ブックや、Wallpaper の表紙も飾っている。
今日では、ミラノのDomus Academyや、ヴェニスのIUAV 大学、筑波大学などのデザイン学校で教鞭をとる。“R.Bonetto Award 2002”(イタリア) を受賞し、教師としても名高い。

SETSU & SHINOBU ITO Setsu & Shinobu Ito are both Japanese designers with a broad work experience in architecture, interior, product, industrial & packaging design. Setsu Ito, graduated from Tsukuba University in Japan, began collaborating with leader of avant-garde italian design Alessandro Mendini at Studio Alchimia, and then with great master of modern architecture and design, Angelo Mangiarotti. Shinobu Ito, graduated from Tama Art University in Tokyo, started her career for CBS Sony (Sony Music Entertainment) in Sony Creative Products and attained a Master Degree at Domus Academy, Milan. They opened their design studio in 1997, and since then, they work and consult for international clients, in a wide range of activities in the design field from architecture, interior, industrial and craft to packaging design. They have received design awards such as: The Young & Design Award 1999 (Italy), “The Good Design Award 2001” (Japan), “The Toyama Product Design Award 2001” (Japan), selected “ADI Design Index 2001, 2005” (Italy) and Compasso d’Oro 2011” (Italy). Some projects became permanent collection of “Triennale Design Museum”, Milan and “Die Neun Sammlung International Design Museum”, Munich. Their works were published in design books and magazines worldwide such as: biography “Setsu & Shinobu Ito_East-West Designer” (Italy 2008), International Design Year Book (Sterling 1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2004, 2007), The Eco-Design Handbook (Sterling 2002), New Furniture Design (2005 in the U.S., Britain, Germany), 1000 New Designs (Sterling 2006), European Design Since 1985 (2009), Plastic (Spain 2007), Process (British Issue Cover 2009), Wallpaper magazine cover (Italy November 2006) and Elle Deco cover (Italy April 2010, 20 years activity celebration). They are visiting professors for important design schools such as Domus Academy in Milan, Politecnico di Milano, IUAV University of Venice, IED Istituto Europeo di Design Milano, and Tsukuba University Japan. Their teaching reputation was recognized when they were awarded with "The R.Bonetto Award 2002" (Italy).


パリのENSADにある作品“esthétique industrielle” に代表されるように、異なる素材やテクノロジーを組み合わせて用いる手法が彼の特徴である。
Compasso d’Oro ADI 4度受賞
1998年 Honorable Mentions受賞
2018年 Honorable Mentions受賞

ADI Association Industrial Designに2度選出

French citizen born in Austria, Marc Sadler has lived and worked as a designer in France, North America, Asia and Italy.
One of the first graduates in “esthétique industrielle” at the ENSAD in Paris, he was a pioneer in experimentation on the different materials and contamination between technologies, which has become distinctive aspects of his work.
At the beginning of the seventies, he perfect the first ski-boot in thermo plastic material completely recyclable, subsequently commercialized by the Italian firm Caber, today because of his eclecticism is a consultant for a variety of companies in many industry branches.
Awarded 4 times with the Compasso d’Oro ADI (1994,2001,2008 e 2014, 2 Honorable Mentions (1998 and 2018) and 2 Selections (1994 and 2008) of ADI Association Industrial Design, his work has won many international design awards over the years.


1956年 イタリアトレヴィーゾ州に生まれる
1980年 "Assemblaggio 80"を受賞
1982年 ヴェニスのIUAV建築学部卒業
1982年 展覧会"Autoritrattazioni"に招待される
1979年 イタリアテレビ局RAIにてアートと建築のドキュメンタリー番組のディレクターを務める
1982年 上記番組を国際映画祭の「アートバイオグラフィー」部門に出展
1983年 個人事務所を設立
1987年 ヴェニスでアート展示会"i Cinque"を主催
1989年 "Lino Bianchi Barriviera"展覧会を主催
1988年 Euromobilグループと提携
2000年 ミラノのインテリア誌が主催する“Essere BenEssere“にて、キッチン・饗宴をテーマにした作品を発表。
同年、ヴェローナで“La sala Telematica“を発表。どちらのプロジェクトも Euromobilが制作している。
2004年 モダンイタリアンデザインツアー I.DoT に展示
2007年 ボローニャとヴェネツィアで2つの大きな回顧展をデザイン
Euromobilグループと毎年1月にボローニャで開催される国際モダンアート展示会―ArteFiera ArtFirstに、“デザインとアートの場“と冠した創作を発表

Nato a Treviso, Italia, nel 1956, si laurea in architettura nel 1982 presso lo IUAV di Venezia. Si dedica dapprima all’arte partecipando a varie rassegne di pittura. Nel 1980 riceve il premio “Assemblaggio 80” a Spoleto e nel 1982 è invitato alla mostra “Autoritrattazioni” presso la Fondazione Bevilacqua La Masa a Venezia. Dal 1979 al 1983 cura la regia televisiva di una serie di documentari sull’arte e sull’architettura trasmessi dalla RAI e presentati nel 10° ed 11° Festival Internazionale del Film sull’Arte e di Biografie d’Artisti, Asolo, rispettivamente nel 1982 e 1983. Sempre nel 1983 apre il proprio studio operando nel campo dell’architettura e dell’industrial design come progettista e consulente aziendale. Nel 1987 cura l’allestimento della mostra d’arte “I Cinque”, Scuola Grande di S. Giovanni Evangelista, Venezia e nel 1989 “Lino Bianchi Barriviera”, Montebelluna. Dal 1988 collabora con Euromobil e Zalf e dal 1996 con Désirée, curando la progettazione di prodotti, showroom ed allestimenti in fiere italiane ed internazionali. Per il Gruppo Euromobil ha progettato nel 1999 il Forum e la nuova esposizione. Nel 2000 ha partecipato alla mostra “Essere Ben Essere”, organizzata dalla rivista Interni presso la Triennale di Milano, con un’opera sul tema della cucina convivio. Nello stesso anno ha realizzato un’installazione dal titolo “La sala Telematica” in occasione di Abitare il Tempo a Verona.

Entrambi i progetti sono stati realizzati con Euromobil. Un suo progetto è stato selezionato per I.DoT – Italian Design on Tour 2004/2005 – una mostra itinerante dei prodotti piu’ rappresentativi del design contemporaneo italiano – prima tappa New York, Chelsea Art Museum – Maggio 2004. Nel 2007 e nel 2009 ha progettato gli allestimenti di due grandi mostre antologiche su Carmelo Zotti, a cura rispettivamente di Philippe Daverio e Brigitte Brand, svoltesi la prima presso il Padiglione dell’Esprit Nouveau a Bologna e la seconda presso il Museo Correr a Venezia. Dal 2007, per il Gruppo Euromobil, progetta l’installazione “ i luoghi dell’arte i luoghi del design” ad ArteFiera ArtFirst, fiera internazionale d’arte contemporanea che si svolge annualmente in gennaio a Bologna.


Matteo Thun
1952年 ボルツァーノに生まれる。建築家兼デザイナー。ザルツブルクのアカデミーでOskar Kokoschkaに師事、その後フィレンツェ大学へ進学。
Ettore Sottsassと出会った後、ミラノのthe Memphis groupの共同創設者となる
1980年 Sottsass Associatのパートナーを務める
1983年 ウィーンのthe University of Applied Artsでデザインを教える
1984年 ミラノに自身のスタジオを開設
1990年 Swatch のアート ディレクターを務める
Luca ColomboとAntonio Rodriguezに出会った後、the Matteo Thun & Partnersスタジオを設立。その後、MTLC、MTD-R MTD-R Chinaの 3 つの子会社に分割。これらのビジネスは、建築、インテリアデザイン、製品デザインの開発に重点を置いている。

Antonio Rodriguez
1963年 スペインに生まれる。
1989年 製品デザインを扱う Valencia l'Estudio A6 を設立
1993年 ミラノに移り、台北デザインセンター、Studio Matsunaga、Ugolini Design等で働く
2000年ー2005年 ミラノのEuropean Institute of Designの教授を務める
MTD-R、MTD-R China を設立する以前から、すでにthe Matteo Thun & Partnersスタジオのプロダクト デザイン マネージャー兼共同経営者を務める。

Matteo Thun, architect and designer born in Bolzano in 1952, studied at the Academy of Salzburg with Oskar Kokoschka and at the University of Florence. After having met Ettore Sottsass, he became co-founder of the Memphis group in Milan and, from 1980 top 1984, partner of Sottsass Associati. From 1983 to 2000 he taught design at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna (Hochschule für Angewandte Kunst, Wien). In 1984 he opened his own studio in Milan and was Art Director for Swatch from 1990 to 1993. After having met Luca Colombo and Antonio Rodriguez, the Matteo Thun & Partners studio was opened and subsequently subdivided into three different companies: MTLC, MTD-R and MTD-R China. These three creative businesses are focused on the development of architectural, interior design and product design projects.

Antonio Rodriguez was born in 1963 and grew up in Spain. He studied in Valencia and Milan. He founded the Valencia l’Estudio A6 in 1989 that dealt with Product Design. He moved to Milan in 1993 where he worked with Taipei Design Center, Studio Matsunaga and Ugolini Design. He was professor at the European Institute of Design in Milan from 2000 to 2005. He had already been Product Design Manager and partner of the Matteo Thun & Partners Studio since 2003 before founding the MTD-R industrial design studio and the MTD-R China and Shanghai studio of architecture, interior and industrial design with Matteo Thun.


2006年 家具デザイナーとして注目される
2006年 TULISS ソファがthe first tenに選出
2007年 Eli Flyがthe first tenに選出
2009年 Lacoon アームチェアが脚光を浴びる
2011年 TIFYがLa Bèrgereの10選に選出

Canadian designer Jai Jalan began his career in the automotive and boat industries with an eclectic approach to product design. He has been working in the furniture industry since 2006.

• 2006 – TULISS sofa included in the first ten
• 2007 – Eli Fly chaise longue included in the first ten
• 2009 – Lacoon armchair special mention
• 2011 – TIFY included in the La Bèrgere first ten


1990年 氏の名前を冠した建築スタジオを設立
2003年 デザイン会社Simone MicheliArchitecturalHero立ち上げミラノにあるPolidesign Milanとthe Polytechnic School of Design の教授を務める。
2007年 コロンビアで開催された”XXX Congreso Colombiano de Arquitectura”に参加
2008年 ドイツのハノーバーにて国際建築会議に参加するなど、イタリアインテリアデザインを代表している。ブラジルのサンパウロやメキシコの美術館などでも展示されている。


"Best Interior Design"
"Best Apartment Italy"ーGolfo Gabella Lake Resortプロジェクトで受賞
"Homes Overseas Award 2007"
"International Media Prize 2008" 公共建築部門
"International Design Award 2008" インテリアデザイン部門
"the U.S. Award 2008" 第2位 オフィス建築イノベーション部門
"Il Sole 24 Ore"ミラノ都市改造計画で受賞
“International Design Award 2008" 


ヨーロッパ最大の公園 Aquagranda Livigno Wellness Parkのレクレーションセンターをデザイン
Arezzo Park Hotel デザイン
リミニのホテルi-Suite デザイン
ニースのスパホテル Exedra Niceデザイン
BoscoloホテルグループAtomic Spa Suisse デザイン

Exedra MilanoグループのFit Express' Swim Planet施設設計
ミラノ開催のArchivolto ギャラリー演出
優れたデザインのスパに贈られる" Best Of Year 2010 in New York City 受賞
the International Media Prize 2010 Clubスペース部門受賞
どちらもAtomic Spa Suisseプロジェクトで受賞
Marina Verde Wellness & Spa Resor でContemporary spa award 2011" 受賞

Founded the architectural studio of the same name in 1990, and the design company "Simone Micheli Architectural Hero" in 2003. It 'teacher at Polidesign Milan and at the Polytechnic School of Design Milano.Le creations architect, sustainable and with particular attention to the environment, appear to have a strong identity and uniqueness. The multiple projects for public administrations and private commissions for prestigious residential and related to the world of the community, making it one of the main players from the European project. There are many books and publications in international journals, dedicated to his work. He has exhibited at the Venice Biennale, the Architecture. And 'curator thematic "contract" and not just in the most important international trade fairs. Represents the Italian interior design in 2007 by participating in the "XXX Congreso Colombiano de Arquitectura" to Barranquilla in Colombia and in 2008 at the International Conference on Architecture for contract in Hannover, Germany. Always sign in 2008 the exhibition "The Italian House" in the Museum of Sculpture "Mube" in Sao Paulo, Brazil, in the Museum "Franz Mayer" in Mexico City, in the center "Las Artes" in Monterrey in 2009. Among recent awards: "Best Interior Design" and "Best Apartment Italy" with the project "Golfo Gabella Lake Resort" in Maccagno Lake Maggiore, the manufacturer Sist Group, in the competition "Homes Overseas Award 2007" - London (international award for the best residential real estate developments in the world) 's "International Media Prize 2008" - Shenzhen (category "Annual public spaces grand award")' s "International Design Award 2008" - Los Angeles (category "Interior Design ") and 2nd place at the U.S. Award 2008" Workplace: quality and innovation, "Il Sole 24 Ore - Milan, with the project" New Urban Face "for the Province and the Municipality of Milan. Winner of '"International Design Award 2008" - Los Angeles as "Interior Designer of the Year." The areas of 'intervention design company Simone Micheli Architectural Hero, based in Florence and Milan are divided into multiple areas: architecture, interior design, design, visual design, communication spaces, but not all. Among the works completed in 2009-2010 include: the interior design of integrated wellness center, Europe's largest "Aquagranda Livigno Wellness Park" for Aquagranda of "Arezzo Park Hotel" to Alliata Bronner Group, of '"i-Suite "in Rimini Ambienthotels, new rooms at the Hotel London Concert in Florence Hotel, Spa Hotel Exedra Nice in Nice and of '" Atomic Spa Suisse "in the Hotel Boscolo Exedra Milano group of franchising "Fit Express' Swim Planet, franchising urban hotel" Town @ house street "by Alessandro Rosso, the gallery" Archivolto Events "in Milan Editions L'Archivolto" Best Of Year 2010 "in New York City in the category Beauty , Spa, Fitness and the International Media Prize 2010 in Shenzhen in the category "Annual Space Club Award", both won with the project Atomic Spa Suisse, "Contemporary spa award 2011" award organized by Cosmoprof Worldwide and won with the new Marina project Marina Verde Wellness & Spa Resort in the category Best Future Spa.


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